August 2011 Issue 95

- Festival for everyone
Abbeyfield Park Multicultural Festival continued for another year thanks to the local volunteers who made it happen.
- Buildings transfer agreed
The transfer of the Vestry Hall, Sorby House and Forum House took place at the end of May, with all responsibility for assets and staff moved from Burngreave New Deal for Communities to Sheffield City Council.
- Ice cream van fire
An ice-cream van on andover Street caught fire and burst into massive flames and smoke – as seen in the picture taken by Mohamed Bashe, a local writer and taxi driver.
- Editorial
- Road changes at Spital Hill
Work is underway to prepare Spital Hill for increased traffic as Tesco's Burngreave store begins to take shape,
- Learners defend ESOL
Local learners gathered at a public meeting on 1st July 2011 to discuss the Government's proposed cuts to ESOL classes.
- Fir Vale go for academy status
Fir Vale school governors decide on academy status
- Academies debated
A public meeting was held to debate the academy issues.
- Drugs Information and Support on Ellesmere Green
The Arundel Street Project outreach van will visit Ellesmere Green each weeek.
- Young Carer's VOYCE
VOYCE – Views of Young Carers Explained
- Exciting New Affordable Housing at Woodside
Arches Housing has successfully been working in partnership with Sheffield City Council to provide new social housing at Woodfold in the Burngreave area.
- Mrs Schofield safe from eviction
In our February issue, we reported on Sheffield Homes threatening long-standing resident Mrs Schofield with eviction because her small Jack Russell dog was deemed to be dangerous after a small incident.
- The Big Bang
On Monday 4th July “The Big Bang” African drummers left Pitsmoor and headed for Birmingham for a place in the final of the “Music for Youth” National Festival, representing Sheffield.
- Musical Achievements at Byron Wood Primary School
On July 7th Byron Wood’s Y6 brass band entertained the audience at Sheffield City Hall with some ska music, as part of the annual ‘City of Excellence’ Awards ceremony.
- The Magic Key
On 13th and 14th July, the Y5 and Y6 children at Byron Wood performed ‘The Magic Key’. Parents, Governors and people from other schools came to watch it, as well as all the year groups.
- Women find their voice
Women learning English at Byron Wood school have started a new course with the WEA called Women’s Voice. The course is about learning how to be more active in the community and finding a voice on issues that matter.
- Goodbye Sandra!
Sandra Heilberg has been teaching ESOL at Byron Wood since September 2006, where she has become a respected member of the staff team. Colleagues and students came together to say ‘goodbye’ to Sandra on June 23rd at a party organised by learners.
- Artists at Ellesmere Children’s Centre
Ellesmere Children’s Centre celebrated its 15th Anniversary on 10th June with a resoundingly successful Open Day.
- Firth Park Festival
Annual Festival in Firth Park
- Firshill Fair
Firshill Craft Group summer fair
- Burngreave Cemetery Well Dressing 2011
The annual well-dressing returns to the cemetery
- Environmental Photo Exhibition
Residents of Burngreave had an opportunity to view photos taken by local young people at the BME environmental photo exhibition at SHEBEEN in July.
- Study Support celebrate
Burngreave’s study support groups from Somali Education Breakthrough, Reach High 2, IT Community School Subject Support and Burngreave After School Study Support Project, came together on 29th June to celebrate the achievements of young people.
- Summer Activities 2011
Summer activities for families, young people and children in Burngreave.
- Pye Bank Summer Fair
Pye Bank School hold their annual summer fair
- Owler Brook does the Big Toddle!
Nursery and reception children participated in a sponsored walk in aid of Barnado's charity.
- Reach High 2
Reach High's academic year ended with a celebration.
- Earl Marshall Juniors- Season Preparations
The football season may not start until September but Earl Marshall Juniors' teams are already working hard to prepare themselves.
- Volunteers of the Year
Two Sheffield youths, Atif Aslam and Zubair Khaliq, have been jointly nominated by Activity Sheffield as the Young Citizens of the Year for their volunteer work with the Burngreave Tigers, a local sports club in affiliation with Sheffield City Council.
- Cricket Event at Fir Vale
On the 3rd July 2011 Fir Vale Community & School Partnership, together with Friends of Owler Brook School, held a community cricket tournament, with food to share, thanks to funding from the Council’s Food Festival Awards. The event brought adults & young people from different schools and backgrounds together
- Sunshine and Showers
It was sunshine and showers at Parkwood Academy’s summer fair on Saturday 16th July.
- Campaign for family wins award
Speaker’s School Council 2011 Annual Award Scheme was presented to St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School. The annual scheme, launched in 2009 by The Speaker of the House of Commons, recognises the most inspiring and engaging achievements of school councils across the UK.
- Owler Brook are road safe
Owler Brook school have been working hard with the Sheffield City Council Road Safety Team to teach children and families about the importance of road safety and car safety ‘belt up’.
- Dance, Drama & Music
Ellesmere Youth Project (EYP) will be running a 3 day event during the summer holidays for local young people to engage in dance/drama/arts activities with the broad theme of ‘conflict’.
- Romano Jilo Certificates
Romano Jilo dancers have performed at many of this year’s festivals. Every year their act gets better, and now the young people have been recognised for all the extra hours they put in.
- Two Weeks to Make It
Local resident, Martin Currie, his ten year old son Frankie, artist Steve Pool, and filmmakers Peter Applerock and Peter Chuba won the 2011 music video competition “2 Weeks 2 Make it”.
- Young people's gospel choir
Young people from Shiloh Church in Burngreave made their first public performance at Abbeyfield Park festival in July.
- Healthy Caribbean Barbeque
Caribbean Health and Well-being Group volunteers organised a day of food and activities on 3rd July at SADACCA, as part of Sheffield food festival.
- Party at Devon Gardens
Activity Sheffield organised great games and activities for the local children, and neighbours and residents came out in force, bringing all sorts of delicious home-made dishes to share.
- Community Assembly News
News from the The North East Community Assembly.
- Ripples in the pond – new life for old boating lake
Work is well underway on the old boating lake, next to the Clock Tower on Firth Park Road and is about to become a reality! The consultation took place alongside an intensive fundraising effort by Friends of Firth Parks & Countryside working in partnership to raise over £200k.
- Page Hall houses for sale
Sheffield Council has begun to sell off vacant homes in Page Hall after extra freedom was granted at a cabinet meeting in January 2011 to help dispose of the properties.
- A new Tenants and Residents Group
Residents of Bressingham and the streets around Brunswick, Verdon and Nottingham Cliff have come together to start a new Tenants and Residents Association (TARA).
- Alpha Course
Do you want to: find out the basics of the Christian faith? ask quesions about what it means to be a Christian?
- New Kebabish Grill Bar
Kebabish Grill bar located in the Firvale area, Firth Park Road is a new approach to takeaway food, offering its customers healthy grilled food at an affordable price.
- Aswaaq-Zain leading the way
Aswaaq-Zain opened on Ellesmere Road six months ago. Its restrained elegant window display marks it out from others on the Spital Hill shopping centre.
- Creating Space
The Primary Mental Health Care Project will be running a new friendly and supportive group for those who would like to try various ways of being creative to help reduce stress, improve health and enhance well-being.
- BCR 103.1FM
Burngreave Community Radio – Sheffield’s Newest Urban Music Radio Station
- Wildlife Trust Events
Details about Science Head, Batty about the Don and Bats about Town events.
- Ellesmere Children's Centre Summer Dance Camp
Ellesmere Children’s Centre will be holding a Summer Dance Camp.
- Joint Learning Disability Service - Community Information Session
Details of the Joint Learning Disability Service Community Information Session.
- Healthy Eating - the Middle Eastern way
Laila Wragg: “I was taught to cook in the traditional Arabic way by my mother, just as she had been taught by my grandmother”
- Photo galleries and website extras
Additional photos and extra issue content exclusive to the website.
The content on this page was added to the website by
Saleema Imam
2011-07-21 14:12:38.
The content of the page was last modified by
Jamie Marriott
2012-02-23 14:57:12.
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Registered Charity: 1130836
The Burngreave Messenger is a community newspaper with editorial independence, funded by the Big Lottery, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, local residents and our advertisers.