Friends of Parkwood Springs

The next meeting of the Friends of Parkwood Springs will be held at St Catherine's School, Firshill Crescent on 27th April 2011 from 7pm-9pm.

The main item on the agenda will be the Gateway Project, to make the entrance to Parkwood Springs at Shirecliffe Road/Cooks Wood Road a lot more obvious and attractive. The artist, who was chosen to design it is, Mr Jason Thomson and he will be attending the meeting. Part of the meeting will be a workshop to bring out what themes people would like to see reflected in his design.

Local residents are invited to attend the meeting and share their ideas about what they would like to see at the entrance. Jason is particularly interested in any memories people have of Parkwood Springs and what they hope for in the future, in fact anything that may spark off ideas that he would be able to reflect in his design.

If you are unable to attend the meeting but have ideas you would like to put forward, Jason would still like to hear from you. His e-mail address is Alternatively, can be sent c/o 175 Shirecliffe Road, Sheffield, S5 8XA

Friends of Parkwood Springs
7:00pm to 9:00pm Wednesday 27 April 2011
This document was last modified on 2011-04-14 15:26:39.