Young people save sports activities

Activity Sheffield
Activity Sheffield

Story: Lisa Swift

Young People were again hit by budget cuts this month – this time, sports activities run by Activity Sheffield were under threat.

More than 17 weekly sessions were at risk as community worker Imran Ali was issued with redundancy. Sports in local schools, football in Firvale and the Burngreave Tigers were among the activities due to end. Many of these sessions are over subscribed.

Young people involved in these activities were determined not to see them end and, with the help of the Messenger and Burngreave Community Action Forum, they presented a petition of over 130 young people’s signatures to the North East Community Assembly on 16th March. Saad Ali was among the young people who presented the petition, he told the public meeting:

“Closure of the Thursday football would leave more than 80 young people with nowhere to go but street corners. Imran’s activities support loads of young people to keep doing positive things.”

The local Councillors said they would use the North East Community Assembly budget to fund the Burngreave worker again when it came to their formal meeting on April 27th. They also agreed to talk to Activity Sheffield to make sure they keep Imran in post through April until the new funding could be used.

This document was last modified on 2011-04-04 13:44:45.