Welcome Residents meeting

Welcome Residents
Welcome Residents

The Welcome Residents group held a public meeting in March to review their community bus service and discuss funding for the area.

The group covers streets around Verdon Street, Brunswick Road, Rock Street and Nottingham Street.

At the meeting, South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive promised to improve promotion and signage for the M20 bus, which serves Verdon Street 3 times a day. They committed to protect the service for the benefit of older residents.

The meeting also discussed the Tenant’s Levy, paid by Council tenants with their rent. For over 3 years, it has not been spent as there is no Tenants and Residents Association for the area. Sheffield Homes will soon employ a worker to help local groups apply for the money. The meeting agreed it was important to help groups work together through the residents’ group, so the Levy money could be spent for the benefit of residents.

To get involved in the Welcome Residents’ group, come along to the Welcome Centre on the last Thursday of each month, 3.30pm-4.30pm or contact the Messenger on 242 0564.

Welcome Residents monthly meeting
3:30pm to 4:30pm Thursday 28 April 2011
Welcome Residents monthly meeting - Welcome Centre (Christchurch)
3:30pm to 4:30pm Thursday 2 June 2011
This document was last modified on 2011-05-22 10:18:04.