Parkwood walk

Parkwood Walk 1
Parkwood Walk 1
Parkwood Walk 2
Parkwood Walk 2

Story: Douglas Johnson, Photos: Catherine Brown

Some days just feel like spring; on such a day the Friends of Parkwood Springs and Sheffield Rangers arranged a guided walk of the site. Led by commentary from ranger Jon Sharrocks, a dozen or so people walked from Little Pear Tree Field, past the Forest Garden, up to the point with the most amazing views over western Sheffield and back again.

Parkwood Springs fascinates because the traces of so many types of human activity can be found. World War II was particularly busy, with the site of an antiaircraft gun battery and remains of munitions huts to be found at the top of the hill. The group also viewed the remains of the old Parkwood estate which once housed 2000 people: now only traces of roads remain.

On the hillside itself, work done by many different people is beginning to pay off, as the whole area returns to the type of sustainable, mixed-use woodland it was hundreds of years ago.

The rangers plan further guided walks, including a Fir Vale History Walk on Wednesday 18th May. Meet at the Barnsley Road entrance to the Northern General at 12 noon.

The Friends of Parkwood Springs can be contacted at or visit the website

Fir Vale History Walk - meet at the Northern General, Barnsley Road entrance
12:00pm to 2:00pm Wednesday 18 May 2011

Document Links

website of friends of parkwood springs
This document was last modified on 2011-04-04 15:44:38.