High Hopes


Story & Photos: Jenny Tibbles

Young people, parents, staff and trustees from Ellesmere Youth Project headed out on a cold January morning for a sponsored abseil.

After looking at the 75-foot drop from the old railway station at Millers Dale, everyone was nervous, even the old hands. But after encouragement and hot chocolate, everyone made their way down. Star of the show Zoë, aged 11, abseiled five times after initially refusing to go.

‘It was brilliant’, said youth work apprentice, Tabijah, ‘I felt like I’d conquered a fear. Everyone was really good in encouraging each other to take part’.

The event was a great success and raised over £463.

EYP is looking to recruit new trustees – abseiling is not compulsory! We particularly welcome applications from women and BME communities to increase the diversity of our committee. If interested, please email info@eyproject.org.uk or speak to Jenny on 0114 213 3120 or 07886 777 068.

This document was last modified on 2011-04-04 19:52:07.