Burngreave faces cuts

People from Burngreave joined demonstrations against cuts in Sheffield and London.
People from Burngreave joined demonstrations against cuts in Sheffield and London.

The Council decided its budget on 4th March, cutting £84million from its spending.

What will it mean for us? Some of it is very unclear. The budget describes cuts but does not detail every job or service that will go. Some things we do know:

Activity Sheffield reduced

Many workers have had to reapply for their jobs and hours have been reduced. Young people campaigned to save Burngreave’s worker – with success! See Young people save sports activities.

More adult learning cuts

Changes in the rules for free ESOL will mean charges to residents for their courses. A campaign has already started – see ESOL day of action.

Study Support reduced

Although a successful campaign avoided a massive cut, it’s funding has still reduced by 15%. See Young people challenge cuts

15% cut in grant aid

to voluntary organisations like local advice services. The funding is only for 6 months; further cuts could be seen later in the year.

End of Connexions service

In the next 6 months, the careers service for young people will end. Responsibility will be transferred to schools, but with no extra money.

Community Assembly

Burngreave lost out when the Community Assemblies were created. Now the team is being reduced further.

£2million cut to Childcare

This will affect childcare providers in Burngreave, but not Sure Start.

Funding ending

The end of some funding like Housing Market Renewal and Migrant Impact Fund is a hidden cut for the area, especially in Fir Vale.

If your job is affected or a service you receive is being cut, we want to hear from you. Contact the Messenger on 242 0564 or mail@burngreavemessenger.org or come along to the BCAF Quarterly Forum on 14th May, 11am at the Vestry Hall.

Photos of Cuts Demonstration 1

Photos of demonstration in Sheffield

Photos of Cuts Demonstration 2

More photos of the Sheffield demonstration against the government cuts.

Document Links

Young people save sports activities
Young People were again hit by budget cuts this month – this time, sports activities run by Activity Sheffield were under threat.
ESOL day of action
People in English classes across Burngreave and the city took part in a national day of protest on March 24th. Their message to the government and council is simple – Learning English is the key to taking a full part in the life of our city.
Young people challenge cuts
On 2nd February Burngreave residents took a petition of 1080 signatures, mainly from young people, against these cuts in educational maintenance allowance (EMA) and study support to the Council. The outcome achieved was certainly something to be proud of!
BCAF Quarterly Forum
Saturday 14th May, 11am – 1pm, Burngreave Vestry Hall. The meeting will aim to get a grip on the local affects of cuts. If your job is being affected or a service you receive is being cut, we want to hear from you. Come along to the meeting, or contact us at Abbeyfield Park House.
This document was last modified on 2011-04-04 13:56:21.