Dangerous behaviour - Information and contacts

We want Parkwood Springs to be a welcoming, peaceful place, so please help us get rid of any activities that are, or can seem, threatening.

Off road motorcycling

Riding a motor cycle anywhere on Parkwood Springs is illegal. Sheffield City Council has not given permission for motorcycling anywhere on Parkwood. Any rider who does not have insurance or is not wearing a helmet is committing an offence. Penalties are severe.

The police can seize motorcycles which are causing alarm, distress or annoyance to the public. Illegal motorcycling is dangerous. The police regularly patrol the site using their own vehicles. They have erected signs telling people what they have to expect if they ride motorcycles on the site. They hope to scare them off, but they still rely on reports being made by local residents in order to take action on offenders. Please report illegal motorcycling every time you see it on Parkwood Springs! Simply call the police on non-emergency 24 hour number 101.

Shirecliffe Allotments

You can help reduce crime on allotments by reporting all incidents, no matter how small to the police on 101. Also contact Allotment Watch 2734528.

Fly tipping

To report fly tipping phone Streetforce 0114 273 4567


To report problems with the landfill site call 0800 80 70 60. Your call will be logged, and if appropriate acted upon. The number of calls complaining about a nuisance, such as unpleasant smells, can become evidence leading to action to remove the nuisance.

Parkwood Landfill Action Group works to secure the closure of the landfill and the return of the site to public use as soon as possible. Contact c/o Green City Action, Abbeyfield Park, Abbeyfield Road, Burngreave, Sheffield, S4 7AT, tel. 244 0353.

This document was last modified on 2010-10-08 19:40:34.
The content in this section is from the Parkwood Springs Into Action newsletter, produced by the Parkwood Springs Steering Group.