Burngreave responds to flood appeal

Flood Appeal
Flood Appeal

People in Burngreave have been active in responding to the urgent appeal for aid to be sent to the victims of Pakistan’s floods.

Churches, schools, shops, community groups and individuals are collecting and sending donations, many through the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC), a coalition of well-established charities (including Oxfam, Christian Aid, Islamic Relief, the Red Cross, Save the Children and others).

Just one example of many is the enterprising group of Burngreave residents who did a charity walk from Meadowhall to Doncaster and back on Sunday 12th September. They were supported by local people on the way. Sajid Rasul, who organised – and completed – the 30 mile charity walk said,

“20 people took part in the charity walk from all walks of life. Indeed it was tiring and many of us were physically and mentally exhausted at the end but people maintained a good sprit and helped and motivated each other all the way to the end."

“Once we get the final figure, we intend to make it public with the formal receipt from the DEC. I am pretty sure we will achieve our £1000 target.”

Staff at Fir Vale School are also undertaking a 10k sponsored walk from Endcliffe Park to Forge Damn on Sunday 26th September.

Donations to the DEC can be made through their website: http://www.dec.org.uk or alternatively by phoning 0370 60 60 900. Banks and post offices can also make donations paid over the counter.

This document was last modified on 2010-09-30 21:13:53.