Wensley clean up

Clean up
Clean up

Story & photos: Lisa Swift

Wensley residents and 15 different organisations worked together in March to help tidy up the Wensley Estate.

The two-day event started with an information day in Wensley Community Centre, hosted by Wensley Tenants and Residents Association. South Yorkshire Police provided food and refreshments, while residents were able to find out more about local services.

On the second day the clean-up started in earnest, with residents helping out alongside the Safer Neighbourhood Team, Sheffield Homes and Wardens, Arches Housing, Rangers, Parks and Woodlands, Streetforce and Veolia, as well as school children from Owler Brook. Even the fire service helped tidy up the litter; they were also visiting residents to check fire safety in their homes and fit smoke alarms.

Local residents who took part told the Messenger how important they thought the event was for the Wensley area:

“Wensley TARA really appreciated the help from all the people who came on the day, especially local tenants,”

said Gladys, Secretary of Wensley TARA.

“It looks a mess and we use it a lot with the kids so we wanted to send out a message by coming to help tidy it up. One summer we did water slides with the kids on the grass, but you can’t do that if there’s glass everywhere. It needs a proper playground. All the equipment, the round-about and climbing frame have been taken away.”

Perry and Janine

“I came out today with the children for something to do. It’s an important place. My husband uses it for jogging, and we use it to be outside.”


Wensley Cleanup
Wensley Cleanup

“I’m interested in my community being kept clean – I’m not happy with the situation; people are dropping litter, it’s a constant battle. Once a year is not enough. It didn’t used to be like this but over the years it has gone downhill. people don’t care like they used to. I’ve been here over 17 years. I feel better about it when we do something like this. It shows that at least some care. We need to do more like this and do more to get people to realise their responsibility to keep it clear.”

Miss Williams

Annual General Meeting

Wensley TARA’s AGM is Thursday 8th July, 2pm at Wensley Community Centre, Hinde House Crescent.

This is the opportunity for people to elect a new committee or to support the existing on to help them carry on.

All Wensley tenants and residents welcome.


Football on Wensley now has ABC funding, and so it will be continuing, during the summer holidays, two days a week – Tuesday evening and Friday afternoon. There will also be a climbing wall and multi-sport area.

Park cleanup
Park cleanup
Picking litter
Picking litter
Wensley TARA AGM
2:00pm to 3:00pm Thursday 8 July 2010
This document was last modified on 2010-06-01 15:27:44.