Ghanaian Literacy Group

Keeping up Ghanaian family strengths
Keeping up Ghanaian family strengths

Story: Laura Moya

We spoke to Nurra Hooper, founder of the Ghanaian Literacy Group.

The group allows Ghanaians to unite through leisure activities, indoor games and movies. It also educates members about Ghanaian culture and fights against problems such as knife crime and racism. The first meetings, only a year ago, were held in Nurra’s house. The group now meets monthly at Firth Park Old Library. Nurra told us:

“I started the group because I saw my daughter was growing up and I needed to let her know about her culture. In Ghana children have a role and they learn how to take part. I spoke to other Ghanaians and they felt it was a good idea to start the group to share our culture.”

The group is hosting a “Miss African/Caribbean Sheffield” on July 24th at Firth Park Methodist. For tickets, registration and more information you can contact Nurra on 07904 686 444, 0114 246 5624 or at

The GLG’s next meetings will be on 12th June and 10th July, between 1pm and 3.30pm.

This document was last modified on 2010-05-31 12:50:55.