Thinking about the future


Story & photos: Nasira Amin

Young people gathered at Burngreave Vestry Hall on 23rd January for an information event about health and opportunities.

Aimed at young people aged 8 to 19, there were a whole range of stalls and activities to engage young minds in their future. The Shine health bus was parked outside, aiming to show young people that it can be fun to stay fit. The bus is fitted out with its own gym on the top deck. The Community Stop Smoking Worker was also on hand to tell young people about the effects of smoking cigarettes.

Young People thinking about careers could talk to Irwin Mitchell and the Fire Service. There was also the opportunity to find out about the election of the BME representative to the city’s Youth Council.Children enjoyed a range of activities, including juggling and hand and body massage. There were also arts and crafts activities with Sheffield Museums.

The event was organised by the Yemeni Community Association and funded by the Police.

The effects of smoking
The effects of smoking
Spinning plate
Spinning plate

“I’m glad I got information for my dad about how to stop smoking. I learned how arteries get blocked and the money you can save when you stop smoking.” Rozena, 11

“Decorating frames was fun and I liked learning to juggle.” Adna, 10

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The content on this page was added to the website by Laura Moya on 2010-01-28 18:10:18.
The content of the page was last modified by Lisa Swift on 2010-02-01 01:12:10.

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