Fir Vale five a side

Five - a - Side Football
Five - a - Side Football

On 20th January, the local Police faced a formidable force – Saalik youth football and Activity Sheffield’s five-a-side teams – at Fir Vale Sports centre.

After 12 hard-fought matches, Activity Sheffield came out top but the young people played hard. The police didn’t win a match but drew two!

There was a great atmosphere of competition: the cheers were loudest when the young five-a-side team scored 2 quick goals against Activity Sheffield, gaining the only victory against the well practiced team. Imran Ali, of Activity Sheffield, said,

“It was a good atmosphere and a good initiative to build relationships with the kids. Hopefully we can do it again in the future and get more groups involved".

This document was last modified on 2010-02-01 01:21:21.