Wensley football success

Wensley Streetkick
Wensley Streetkick
Wensley Football
Wensley Football

Story & photos: Gladys Newbolt

On a cold, dark, winter evening, at the end of January, Streetkick began on the park at Wensley.

Every Tuesday since then, in every kind of weather, the attendance and the enthusiasm of the young people for the project has shown the need for activities like this on Wensley.

The estate is quite isolated, with no buses during evenings or weekend. It is not ideal to be sending your kids out, especially during dark nights, to find activities in other areas.

What started out as a ten week project, lasted for more than forty. Wensley TARA wish to thank all who supported them including the Council’s Small Grants and the Police for funding the project.

During three weeks of the school summer holidays, we brought Streetclimb, the portable climbing wall, to Wensley Park. This was most successful and thoroughly enjoyed by the numbers of kids and young people who participated.

Though the activities and equipment were organised by Activity Sheffield our local PCSOs attended whenever possible and Wensley TARA volunteers attended every session.

Permanent activities are needed, not just for Wensley kids, but also Hindewood, Archers estate and Page Hall.

The project has been a big success culminating in a visit for some of the football kids and their families to Bonfire night “After Dark” at Don Valley. They enjoyed the funfair, great food and a magical display of fireworks.

From the resulting stories they obviously had a swinging, tilting, rolling, speeding, sickening treat.

Thanks to everyone who has had an input into this long, and successful, project.

This document was last modified on 2010-11-25 17:13:03.