Threat to stable estates

Story: Douglas Johnson

Alongside the Government cuts, Burngreave risks being badly hit by plans to reduce Council tenancies to just two years.

The Prime Minister had made clear his plans to end “tenancies for life” in August. However, the latest announcement is that new council tenancies could be limited to just two years. If tenants can afford to move on after that time, they could be forced to do so, although they would be given 6 months notice to move.

In the past Burngreave has struggled with a very high turnover of tenants, which led to social problems with neighbours never getting to know each other properly. Housing campaigners fear that council estates will break down further if this policy is brought in. Estates would become areas with no-one in regular employment; those in good enough jobs would be forced to leave.

Organisations like Defend Council Housing campaign for more decent, affordable, secure council housing

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This document was last modified on 2010-11-25 16:26:23.