Keeping fit locally

Keeping Fit
Keeping Fit

If you feel like you need to get fit, lose weight or you just need an energy boost, Verdon Recreation Centre is the place to go.

Twice a week Activity Sheffield’s Georgia Milborn, turns on the high energy music and gets women jumping, running and stretching for an hour packed with exercise. Georgia explains,

“Its about promoting general well being, but it can also help you get fit and lose weight. We do high energy routines and we mix it up with more gentle stretching and toning exercises.”

The exercises certainly get the heart going and the blood pumping, but its not aimed at the athletic or super fit.

“I make sure that everyone can work at their own level, beginners are very welcome and can take it at their own pace.”

The sessions were attended by a real mix of women from different backgrounds and abilities, and they were keen to tell the Messenger how good it was.

“I started back in September after a bit of a break, everyone’s friendly and we have a good laugh. It’s tough at times, but its really worth the effort, you feel like you’ve achieved something – its good that its so local too.” Emma.

“I’ve been coming for 3 weeks and I already feel better. And during the winter its really good to keep active.” Evelyn

Women only Aerobic sessions

Tuesday and Thursday 6.30-7.30pm.

For more information contact Verdon Recreation Centre on 249 1626.

New ‘Chairobics for over 50s’

Gentle exercises that can be done sitting down or with the support of a chair.

Women Only Chair Aerobics

Every Monday starting 6th December 10 – 11am Pakistan Advice and Community Association

Women Only Chair Aerobics and games

Every Tuesday staring 7th December 10 – 11am Yemeni Community Association, Fir Vale.

For more Information contact Nick Gill on 273 6496

This document was last modified on 2010-11-29 10:53:59.