Significant challenges

New Deal is facing significant challenges to its future as an organisation. As we always knew, our Programme ends in March 2011. We have been unable to secure approval to a Succession Strategy from Government as we had hoped and need to look at alternative options.

The Partnership Board is working closely with Sheffield City Council & Government Office/ the Department for Communities and Local Government to develop a way forward that provides ongoing benefits to Burngreave. Difficult choices are going to have to be made in the next few weeks and months, not least some important decisions on the future of our buildings.

As outlined at the public meeting, Vestry Hall is held on a lease from Sheffield City Council. We are exploring options with the Council for this building and are keen to see whether the building’s role as a community facility can be developed in the future.

Forum House is now on the open market for sale as it is surplus to New Deal requirements and expensive for us to maintain. The issues around Sorby House are very complex. The building currently operates at a loss which is not sustainable to New Deal even if significant efficiency savings are made. At the moment, options available to the Board include selling Sorby House or seeking to operate it with support from other sources. We have discussed the position with current tenants of Sorby.

While the buildings are important, they are part of a wider set of issues that the Board has to deal with in the months ahead. Partnership Board Members are responsible for ultimate decisions about the Programme and organisation. However, the Council, as the Accountable Body for the Programme plays an important role in supporting and advising the Board on a viable way forward.

The Partnership Board remains focussed on ensuring that the choices made provide the best possible alternatives for the residents of Burngreave and ensuring that there are lasting benefits from the valuable work which the Programme has delivered to the area over the last 10 years.

This document was last modified on 2010-11-28 18:36:12.