Work on the Rec begins

Proposed new kick pitch and play meadow for Burngreave Rec
Proposed new kick pitch and play meadow for Burngreave Rec

Planned improvements to Burngreave Recreation Ground near Byron Wood School will start in August, taking 16 weeks.

The plans have been under development since 2006 in consultation with the local community. Now with funding from Viridor Landfill Tax Credit, Playbuilder & Healthy Living Challenge Fund, Big Lottery Fund, and section 106 money, part of the plans can be made into reality.

The improvements will include:

New facilities

The old tarmac pitch will be replaced with:

The work is due to be completed in December. During the improvements, access to the site will be affected and some routes through the site will be closed.

For more information contact Amie Rowland at the Council's Parks & Countryside Service on 2736952 or email

This document was last modified on 2010-07-26 20:41:10.