Confident young women

Ellesmere Youth Project residential
Ellesmere Youth Project residential

Story: Jenny Tibbles

A group of 11 young women are coming to the end of a fantastic programme with Ellesmere Youth Project, focussed on growing confidence and raising aspirations.

Activities have included an animation workshop at Weston Park Museum; jewellery-making with a professional silversmith; felt making; canoeing, climbing, zip wire and kickboxing. They have had a women's health talk, a ‘pamper session’ and healthy cooking.

The young people also planned a two-day residential in Pickering in North Yorkshire. They decided to stay in a self-catering camping barn and went quad biking and horse riding and visited York Dungeons and Dalby Forest National Park.

“By going to girls group, I have learnt new things, for example, how to make felt. My best bit was learning how to quad bike” (Charlotte)

“I have learnt how to recycle and make my own jewellery. The best bit for me on the residential was everyone making noise and keeping the staff awake!" (Bethany)

This document was last modified on 2010-07-26 21:02:51.