Burngreave Opportunities

Marlene Burrel (pictured right)
Marlene Burrel (pictured right)

Burngreave Opportunities are continuing to offer community based employment support to Burngreave!

Meet the new member of staff Marlene Burrell (pictured right) who is working with new enquiries looking for work or training opportunities.

Get friendly help, advice and guidance on all aspects of employment, including job search, filling in application forms, improving your skills and looking for training.

Are you looking for a job?

Or any of the following training opportunities?

If you are interested in any of these, local help is on hand at Sorby House 42 Spital Hill. Come and see us at Burngreave Opportunities

Please contact Zaheer on: 0114 21 32 307

This document was last modified on 2010-07-26 00:27:15.