I am a Woman


By Djamila Djaroud

Please look at me as a woman.

I know I’m a mother but I’m a woman.

I know I’m a carer but I’m a person.

Don’t stop me from being a woman.

I can prove my capability to be strong.

I can prove my capacity to handle men’s work.

Give me my independence and I will show you how good I can be.

Give me my space. I want to be me.

I want to do my work in my way.

Good or bad, I’ll be the only one to be blamed but the choice is mine.

Good or bad, I’ll be the only one to be proud.

Look at my kindness and my softness.

They’re my arms to confront the world

I don’t need to be loud to be heard.

I don’t need to be strong to fight.

I’m a communicator, I’m a good speaker.

I can make the things change quietly.

I can make the things change nicely.

This document was last modified on 2010-03-28 17:09:13.