Fruits of the Forest at Parkwood Springs

Parkwood Springs forest garden
Parkwood Springs forest garden

Story: Leonie Kapadia

Thursday 18th March was an industrious and sunny spring day at Parkwood Springs when work took place to plant the fruit trees and bushes at the Forest Garden.

As well as members of the Friends of Parkwood Springs, volunteers on the day included pupils from Sheaf Training who are studying for NVQs in horticulture and young people from Endeavour Training who are gaining experience and confidence by taking part in a range of environmental activities with the Greenwatch Ranger Team. Members of Sheffield’s Abundance project, who aim to harvest city fruit and redistribute the surplus to the community, also got planting, and aim to be involved in the long-term management of the Forest Garden.

The next Forest Garden work day will take place on Saturday 29th May 10 am – 3pm, during Sheffield Environment Weeks, and will be an Interfaith event inviting faith groups across the city to come together through practical environmental work.

For more information on Parkwood Springs or on the Friends of Group please see The Friends of Parkwood Springs website or Sheffield City Council's Parkwood Springs web page.

Or contact Leonie Kapadia, Community Forester on 07976 9886278 or

Document Links

Friends of Parkwood Springs
All about the Parkwood Springs site and its Friends
Sheffield City Council's Parkwood Springs web page
The webpage about Parkwood Springs on the Council's website
This document was last modified on 2010-03-29 12:37:52.