Charitable Status

We have now achieved charitable status, which was one of the aims of New Deal moving forward. The company is now registered as a charity and we are in the process of setting up our trading arm, which will deliver the services for the charity. This new structure means that there are opportunities for the residents of Burngreave to be involved with the companies and have their say as to how they operate. The aims of the charity will be to reinvest any surplus back into the community.

The new charitable board will take over running of the company in mid 2010 and there are still places on this board for community and business representatives, so if you want a say as to how New Deal operates in the future, please contact us for further information.

We have been working with Fir Vale School to provide us with the name and a corporate image as a project for their students. That initial piece of work has been completed and the students are to present their ideas to the Partnership Board in March. So watch this space for the designs and ideas by these students.

This document was last modified on 2010-03-26 20:49:41.