April 2010 issue 87

- Learners speak up to save classes
Adult learners have been fighting Council cuts in courses, after changes in funding. Over 300 learners stand to lose their classes from April.
- Not registered = no vote
There will be local elections on Thursday 6th May to elect a new councillor for Burngreave. It is also the most likely date for the General Election to elect an MP.
- Not in my city, not in my street, not in BURNGREAVE
Local Unite Against Fascism (UAF) groups are springing up all over Sheffield.
- Redwall win planning
Residents were surprised and disappointed to find that the Council’s planning board had granted Redwall’s application on 16th March, despite a large number of objections.
- Messenger Editorial
Messenger Editorial
- Women's Construction Centre threatened
The Women’s Construction Centre on Buckenham Street, heard news in March that they would have to close because of lack of funding. But at an emergency meeting of 25 women on 20th March they agreed to take on the running of the Centre themselves.
- Wicker Works
Since the devastating floods of 2007 shops and businesses on the Wicker have endured a particularly tough period of trading. Now, nearly three years after the Don burst its banks, work is finally underway to protect the area from flooding.
- Burngreave faces cuts
The Council is expecting less money from government in April.
Burngreave Community Action Forum update.
- Verdon Street Bit Fix It Café
Bit Fix It Cafe is a volunteer-run computer repair service that offers residents the chance to bring in their faulty laptops and PCs for a free no-obligation repair.
- World Class in Pitsmoor
What was once Wilson Tupholmes’ department store has now reopened as “World Class”, a new, modern supermarket at 290 Pitsmoor Road boasting of “foods from around the world”.
- Mixed response on hospital parking
18% of residents surveyed in areas around the Northern General Hospital responded to a questionnaire about parking needs.
- 150 years of Catherine Street
Properties on Catherine Street and Brotherton Street are presently fronted by scaffolding prior to demolition. These properties are over a hundred years old and the property on the corner of these two streets has probably been a part of the lives of many locals over the years.
- International Women's Day
International Women's day was on 8th March. All over Burngreave, women gathered to enjoy themselves and reflect on women from all over the world…
- Make a Wish
Family and friends of a local woman with terminal cancer are appealing for help to turn despair into hope. She has requested that we do not reveal her identity at this time.
- Twentieth Century Woman
This is a poem by a member of Write Horizons, a group of local writers, who meet in the area once a week. The group write poems and stories some fact some fiction, enjoying one another’s company and sharing ideas and encouragement
- Street Pastors
A lively evening ceremony at the Seventh Day Adventists Church on March 12th saw the launch of Burngreave's Street Pastors scheme which aims to provide young people with a caring and supportive service on the street.
- Byron Wood Walk
On Monday 25th March a group of parents from Byron Wood Primary School had an opportunity to cross the countryside around Sheffield
- Summer Festivals 2010
Local residents have already begun meeting about this year's summer festivals. Both Fir Vale Funday and Abbeyfield Park Festival have set dates and are looking to secure funding.
- Reach High 2 trip to London
A group of 34 young people and 8 adults went down to London and involved visits to Madame Tussauds, London Dungeon and London Eye.
- Wensley is football crazy
Just as the sun was setting on a warm spring evening, the green near Wensley Close was full of activity. It was the weekly Tuesday football sessions by Activity Sheffield that were bringing the place to life.
- Burngreave Blastoff
Burngreave had its second Blastoff area based football final on Friday 5th March at Fir Vale Sports Centre
- Help for Haiti
News of the January earthquake in Haiti has led to a multitude of fundraising events to support the victims of the quake in their efforts to rebuild their lives.
- Healthy Cooking Course
Over the past rew weeks, Ellesmere Youth Project have been running a Healthy Cooking Course for local young people to learn how to cook healthy food from scratch.
- Fruits of the Forest at Parkwood Springs
Thursday 18th March was an industrious and sunny spring day at Parkwood Springs when work took place to plant the fruit trees and bushes at the Forest Garden.
- Community Litter Pick
A group of local people are having a community litter pick around the Burngreave area on Sunday 9th May 2010 between 2pm and 5pm.
- Interfaith vibes at Hallam
Last edition, we brought you news that local residents Derrick Okrah and Farhan Ahmed were starting up a new society at Sheffield Hallam University's students’ union. Two months on, and SAMEEM has had a successful launch meeting with about 100 students attending.
- Green City Action
Green City Action news.
- Dementia? Welcome! Cafe
The Café, inspired with the belief that living with Dementia can and should include joy in life and a sense of community, welcomes anyone who feels they would benefit.
- Tenants And Residents Associations
(TARAs) are run by local people who volunteer their time to help make their areas better for everyone living.
- Christchurch Lunch Club
The club is run by volunteers on Thursday, and aims to foster a sense of community. We always welcome help and enjoy meeting new people, for part or all of a club day.
- Maan's Guide to Recovery
On 23rd February around a hundred people gathered at Sorby House to review the new recovery guide for mental health users from the Somali Mental Health Project (MAAN).
- National no smoking day
March 10th saw the annual No Smoking Day campaign across the U.K. In Burngreave we marked the day with an event at the Health Matters shop on Spital Hill
- Community Assemblies
News from the North East Community Assembly, including councillor surgery dates.
- A New Deal For Burngreave
News from Burngreave New Deal for Communities.
- The mystery of Roe Lane Tower
The picture above was taken in 1940. Whatever is the large structure at the bottom of Roe Lane and who would build a house with a tower attached? I had to find out who lived in that house and why they built the tower.
- Martyn Snow appointed Archdeacon
After being vicar of Christ Church Pitsmoor for nearly nine years, Martyn Snow is moving on to take up the post of Archdeacon of Sheffield and Rotherham. Martyn has spoken to the Messenger about his time in Pitsmoor and the changes involved in starting this new appointment
- Snow-time Memories
We’ve had a slow start to this year – we are all getting on a bit and the weather has somewhat restricted our normal outings. This situation started us reminiscing about the weather conditions when we were young.
- "The high and the low of snow"
Poem by Sylvia Reaney
- Letter from David Norris Kay
David Norris Kay thanks the Messenger
- North East Adult Learning Guide website
Coming soon – online directory of learning opportunities for adults in the North East Community Assemblies area.
- Sheffield Credit Union
A not for profit community savings and loans co-operative. Save £208 compared to doorstop lenders.
- SOVA volunteer mentors required
Could you understand the issues faced by offenders when they leave custody?
Are you a good listener?
Could you help and support an offender on a community based sentence or in the secure estate?
- Care2Care help for the elderly
Are you looking for a little help and support in your daily life? Many older people living independently wish they had a little help and support.
- Volunteer cycling champions wanted
Volunteer cycling champions wanted (male & female) to promote cycling to parents, children & the community in Burngreave & Fir Vale to encourage health & fitness and for fun!
- Advertise in the Messenger
Advertise in the Messenger – Discounted rates for Burngreave businesses and organisations.
The content on this page was added to the website by
Jamie Marriott
2010-03-25 14:55:03.
The content of the page was last modified by
Jamie Marriott
2012-02-23 15:04:53.
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Telephone: 0114 242 0564. Email: mail@burngreavemessenger.org
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Registered Charity: 1130836
The Burngreave Messenger is a community newspaper with editorial independence, funded by the Big Lottery, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, local residents and our advertisers.