Hanging out with Christchurch

Nottingham Cliff Park has been the place to be this summer, with Christchurch’s youth group, ‘the Hangout’.

There was the inflatable football pitch provided by Activity Sheffield, sports and other fun activities for young people to enjoy in the outdoors.

Youth work Hendrik Klaver told the Messenger, “It’s been a really good summer for Christchurch. We got to know children in the community who had not been involved before. It was also good to see Nottingham Cliff Park used and the whole community enjoying it.”

Hanging out with Cristchurch
Hanging out with Cristchurch

From what the children had to say, they enjoyed their summer Hangout, especially the trips to Derwent valley, where they got the chance to practise their bike skills.

“I like going because I can play with my friends. The bike riding in Derwent Valley was really cool” India

“The activities are really good because they give me something to do in the holidays and on a Friday evening. I like to play football with my friends.” Tyler

“It was really good. Good way to involve many people. This makes people feel free and safe to go to the park and have fun. I loved the biking. We should do this more often!” Angela

Christchurch Youth Group
Christchurch Youth Group
This document was last modified on 2009-09-25 19:47:09.