BNDfC Succession Plans

The Burngreave New Deal for Communities Succession Strategy was first shared with the Burngreave community back in 2007. In very simple terms the strategy is to manage the buildings bought with NDC funds to make money to reinvest back into the local community within the Burngreave ward.

How we will do that reinvestment is not yet decided and it will be one of the first tasks for the Board of the new charitable company we’re setting up. What we do know is that we have to invest in activities which continue to contribute to some of the original NDC outcomes around education, employment, health, crime, environment and community engagement.

We are now submitting our application for charitable status and then we’ll have to set up a trading arm to manage the buildings. Our succession plans are being subject to a rigorous approval process by our accountable body, the City Council and they will then be submitted to our funders, the Department for Communities and Local Government. Their approval process is scheduled to run between October 2009 and April 2010.

The big prize for Burngreave at the end of the process is that the buildings will have all legal charges and grant payback clauses removed and they will truly be the property of BNDfC to manage for the benefit of the community. As that point gets closer, we will be seeking regular feedback on what we should reinvest our money in and what ideas people have for the use of the buildings.

On 10 September we held an Open House Day at Sorby House for people to talk to us in more depth about our plans. We also gave residents the chance to think of a name for the trading arm of the charity that will manage the buildings. The winning name will be announced in the next edition of the Messenger.

This document was last modified on 2009-09-25 18:58:18.
The pages in this section are produced by New Deal. For more information on BNDfC, or you have any comments, please contact 213 2300.