Burngreave's biggest Community event....
Abbeyfield Park Multicultural Festival
This year's festival will be different…run by volunteers and residents, this will truly be a community event. You'll see lots of local acts, there will be plenty of activities for children and loads of stalls and food.
The best thing is that you can get involved and make it the best event of the year. Just contact Burngreave Community Action Forum to see how you can help: 272 8008.
Remember to get involved in planning next year's event, either by giving us some feedback, or signing up for the mailing list to be part of next year's festival steering group.
Abbeyfield Park Multicultural Festival has been organised by volunteers and residents, with the help of the following organisations:
Burngreave Community Action Forum
the Burngreave Messenger,
the Rock Christian Centre,
Burngreave Young Advisors,
1ummah1 Youth Group,
JDR Entertainment,
Ellesmere Youth Project,
Sheffield Futures,
Sheffield Homes,
the Local Safer Neighbourhood Team (South Yorkshire Police),
Activity Sheffield,
Burngreave Community Radio,
We Create Events,
The festival was funded by North East Community Assembly, South Yorkshire Police, and contributions from stallholders.
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