BNDfC has formally approached our funders, the Department for Communities and Local Government, to see if it would be possible to have the clawback restrictions currently in place on Forum House, lifted. This would mean that technically we could then sell the building without having to repay the NDC grant used to buy it in the first place.
Back in February, when we first advised projects that New Deal funding was to end in March 2009, it was suggested to us that the sale of one of our buildings could provide continuation funding for projects. At that point there was no willingness to remove clawback but during the past two months, as discussions on the BNDfC succession plans have continued, and the commitment of our funders to Burngreave has become even stronger, it has become clear that to secure the future of the successor body we need a significant cash injection and the possible sale of Forum House would be one way to do that. BNDfC has therefore been invited to submit a business case for the removal of clawback, with no guarantees of success.
Readers should be aware that we are sharing this news with you at the earliest opportunity and that the disposal of the building is by no means certain, particularly given the current economic climate we’re all battling with.
Update on Project Continuation Arrangements
As identified in the paper to the last public Partnership Board meeting, all but one of the projects scheduled to run this year with NDC funding are continuing. BNDfC thanks go to the projects themselves for their stalwart work in responding to the situation, to the Area Panel for their work with mainstream agencies to get activity funded and by no means least to the City Council, South Yorkshire Police, Sheffield Homes and the Primary Care Trust for their fantastic financial contributions to keeping key projects going.
Open Evening
BNDFC would like to invite residents and businesses of Burngreave to come along to Sorby House and Vestry Hall on Tuesday 9th June to see what facilities are available.
Light refreshments will be served at both venues between 6pm and 8pm.
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