Mental Health Ambassadors

Mental Health Abassadors
Mental Health Abassadors

Story: Lailuma, Djamila,Azeb and Zeinab

Students from a Level 1 ESOL class in the Vestry Hall conducted an interview with Saeed Abdi from the Somali Mental Health Project (MAAN), Sindy Chana, the new Ambassador Lead for Mental Health for Yorkshire and Humberside and Amina Mohamed, who has just been appointed Ambassador for Sheffield.

We discussed mental health: how important it is to know about it, how to cope with it and how to get good treatment.

Sindy Chana talked about the work she is doing:

“I work with people in different cities to set up supportive networks for vulnerable groups and communities so they can access services and help each other. We have appointed local Ambassadors to provide support for people with mental health problems from Black and Minority Ethnic groups.”

Mental health problems are very common and can begin with anxiety and stress, Amina (pictured) explained

“Anyone can have mental health problems. One in four people will have a mental health problem at some time in their life.”

People with mental health problems face stigma and this is particularly true for people from BME communities. It’s important that people get help early because, if problems are left untreated, they can become very serious.

Saeed Abdi spoke about the support people can get for mental health problems:

“In the same way that your body gets tired, your mind can also get tired. You can access the Somali Mental Health Project directly, without your GP. Our organisation gives help with absolute confidence. We don't judge people with problems; we accept them as human. The very best way to help is to listen and give people the right to be heard and respected. We shouldn’t take responsibility away from people with mental health problems but give them the power to find solutions.”

If you would like to get involved in supportive networks around mental health, contact Sindy Chana, BME Service Consultant for Race Equality Lead for Yorkshire and Humber on:

Mobile: 0777 313 6951. Email:

Or for more information on the Somali Mental Health project (MAAN) contact Saeed Abdi on 275 8556.

This document was last modified on 2009-06-01 12:57:35.