Cycling for women

Story: Rashida Hassanali

Last year the Fir Vale family of schools took over 100 people to Clumber Park for a cycling family day out. Many of the mums there couldn't cycle and we wanted to change that.

Cycling day out
Cycling day out

Since December 2008, Fir Vale School has hosted Pedal Ready and Sheffield Cycling Champion Steve Marsden to provide cycle training for local women.

Half the 34 women taking part in the course had never been on a bike before and all can now cycle comfortably around the sports hall and Astroturf at the school.

Here is Julia Shergold's story:

"I got to the age of 43 without learning to ride a bike. This was a problem as my seven year old daughter loves cycling and I wanted to go with her, so when I saw the advert for the cycle training I jumped at it.

"This was the first time I had seen a Cycling Proficiency course offering to teach people from scratch. The tutors were fantastic. For beginners they take the pedals off the bike until you get your balance! Within 20 minutes I managed to wobble around on my own. I got a fantastic sense of achievement in learning a skill I had failed at as a child. I couldn't wait to tell my daughter.

"Women from a wide range of ages, backgrounds and cultures supported each other, learned together; and some of us have gone on to do netball at the school too, so the course provided a springboard for learning other things.

"Last Sunday my daughter and I went to Clumber Park. I hired a bike and we went on a two hour cycle ride round the lake. Most people may take riding a bike for granted but I'm still enjoying the novelty of it and am proud of my achievement. Many thanks to all involved."

For more details of activities in the Firvale Family of Schools contact Rashida on 243 9391.

This document was last modified on 2009-06-01 14:42:41.