Sage Greenfingers volunteers

Two volunteers have been nominated by Sage Greenfingers – the wonderful allotment project at Grimesthorpe devoted to supporting people with mental health problems. Both have been permanent, regular and completely reliable volunteers on the project for over four and a half years now – turning out in all weathers to spend the morning with the attenders of the project.

Both have been widely recognised for the welcome and acceptance they show to the wide – and growing – variety of people who find their way to the haven of the allotments at Grimesthorpe Road. One attends as a volunteer three times a week, and Ron, despite numerous other calls on his time, has a huge long-term commitment to the project.

Ron Rowley, SAGE Greenfingers

After last January’s arson attack on the greenhouse and the shed with a lot of the equipment, it was Ron who set about harassing his friends and local businesses to see what could be retrieved as replacement. Not only was this hugely successful, but the determination he showed rubbed off on many of the attenders who were themselves able to recover from the attack.

A wonderful tribute to two of our volunteers in support of those recovering from mental ill-health.

This document was last modified on 2011-07-28 17:37:02.