Deliver It Green

Deliver It Green
Deliver It Green

Managed by Green City Action, Deliver It Green (DIG) has been operational since June 2006. The emphasis of the project has always been on delivery out in the community and the principle purposes of the project are:

In the last year DIG have installed 100 metres of new footpath and a flight of steps, up a previous muddy bank, on Denholme Close open space to improve passage through the area. The new steps linked Verdon St flats with the town end of Rock Street. DIG completely restored the children’s playground which was repaired and repainted and the surrounding landscape altered to design out crime and encourage children back onto the space.

The playground equipment on Denholme, Nottingham Cliffe and All Saints has been stripped down and completely repainted and timbers renewed, new play areas have been created on Ella Rd and Malton Street (see picture) and a new roof built onto the youth shelter in Abbeyfield Park.

Working with residents of Firshill Close DIG created a community vegetable plot that has been very well used, producing lots of veg but also acting as a catalyst in bringing tenants together. DIG worked with the Carwood estate’s TARA to rebuild the public space on Carwood Green installing new benches, replanting the flower beds and assisting in their entry for Britain In Bloom 2008.

Burngreave Recreation Ground, Ellesmere Park, Devon Gardens, Harleston Street and Pitsmoor Road Open Space have all benefitted from extensive regeneration work by the DIG team and are amongst the 26 sites where facilities were improved.

This project is due to finish in May 2009 but in its remaining months DIG will be doing landscaping work on Carwood, planting 2000 new bulbs there and new flower beds, creating a community forest garden in partnership with Grimesthorpe Community Gardens and the Burngreave Forest Project, renewing the worn out football pitch in Abbeyfield Park and redesigning its surroundings, continuing to support the areas OAPs and developing the In Bloom work as well as numerous smaller projects.

This document was last modified on 2009-01-29 17:50:42.
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