Cainan Blake

Cainan Blake is 21 years of age and is coming to the end of his 6 months apprenticeship with BNDfC as a receptionist. Cainan was 20 years old when he started at BNDfC on 20th September 2008.

Cainan says, “I chose the apprenticeship programme because I wanted to gain some work experience and obtain some certificates to reflect back on. This apprenticeship has helped me in many ways – it has given me positive evidence that I have the ability to work well in different environments and with a diverse range of people from different cultures and backgrounds.

“Completing the apprenticeship will enhance my future job opportunities.

“As a Burngreave resident it was a bonus for me that my apprenticeship was working for an organisation that is helping the area and the community.

“Working at BNDfC has been challenging at times but staff have been supportive to me throughout my placement. It has been a good experience that I have enjoyed and one that I would recommend anyone to try.”

Cainan is a pleasure to have around in the office and after “settling in” Cainan has turned out to be a valued member of staff.

This document was last modified on 2009-01-29 17:15:13.
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