February 2009 Issue 80

Photo galleries
- Area Panel Photos
Pictures taken at the Area Panels Awards Ceremony in the Town Hall.
2009-01-30 14:49:58 - Festive party photos
Selection of photos from the 2008 Festive party.
2009-01-28 18:26:25 - University Project Awards photos
Selection of photos from the University of Sheffield media awards.
2009-01-28 18:25:49 - Photos from the Gaza march
Photos from the march demonstrating about the war in Gaza.
2009-01-28 18:25:07
- Burngreave thinks Global
In January 2009, Burngreave residents were thinking about global events, celebrating the inauguration of President Obama in America and demonstrating about the war in Gaza.
- Trials and arrests
Burngreave has been the focus of several murder trials recently. Faria Khan, now 29, of Scott Rd, was convicted of the murder of her husband, Nawajid Ali Khan, after she ran him down outside the takeaway where he worked on Chesterfield Rd. Nawajid had previously worked in the Mangla for 6 years.
- Parents and gangs
The Targeted Youth Support Team have the task of preventing young people being drawn into violent crime. On Thursday 11th December 2008, a meeting was held at the Vestry Hall to advise parents about gang culture.
- Messenger Editorial
The Messenger has recently been accepted for official registration by the Charity Commission recognising that our work is for public benefit. We now invite you to our general meeting to amend our constitution with the necessary changes.
- Wicker traders join forces
After two years of road works and flood, the Wicker improvements are now mostly finished. For Burngreave residents it's definitely worth stopping on the way in to town. This issue we feature the Wicker Cafe
- Wicker Cafe
Rob and Sarah Armytage run the Wicker Cafe. and over the last 12 years have seen a lot of changes in the clientele and fashions of the area.
- Rainbow's End opens
After a year of planning “Rainbow's End” community charity shop, based on the ground floor of Sorby House on Spiral Hill, opened its doors to the public on 6th December 2008. The official opening ceremony (conducted by a “Mickey Mouse” look-alike) was a very happy occasion which attracted a large crowd from all sections of the community
- Angry residents on Skinnerthorpe
Over 25 residents and ex-residents of Skinnerthorpe Road attended a meeting at Pakistan Advice Centre in January, angry about broken promises made by the Council.
- Be part of the walking bus
The Walking Bus was started in October 2006 by Community Wardens and local volunteers to help parents, children and the environment.
- Wardens under threat
Burngreave has had a 12-strong Wardens Team for five years, but their New Deal funding ends in March and Sheffield Homes who employ the team, cannot confirm how many jobs will be lost
- Celebrating Fir Vale's Success
Fir Vale School's Presentation Evening held on 26th November celebrated the 10th Anniversary of its re-launch from the old Earl Marshal School in 1998.
- Cultural Challenge at the Vestry Hall
Southern E Media Education Arts (SEMEA) is based in the Vestry Offices. It supports intercultural exchange and team building between Southern artists and the community.
- Burngreave Cultural Industries Challenge
Burngreave Cultural Industries Challenge, activities at the Vastry Offices, 2 Burngreave Road, Sheffielod, S3 9DD.,
- Free advice and support to help you stop smoking!
The Sheffield Stop Smoking Service has trained stop smoking advisers ready to give you information on nicotine replacement products and other aids to stopping smoking and provide support to you after you have stopped smoking.
- Fir Vale Youth Club
Burngreave’s efforts to keep kids off the streets have received a boost with the opening of a new Youth Club just down the road.
- Youth work residential
Due to the success of the last youth work training residential, Streetworx and Football Unites Racism Divides (FURD) are running another training residential in March.
- Minilympics
A spectacular athletic event, to highlight the potential and achievement of young people aged 14-16, will be taking place on the 9th of May.
- Jeevan Project
After almost six years in the Fir Vale community, the Jeevan project has just moved to the Pakistan Advice Centre building. Jeevan aims to provide young people with disabilities the means to build their confidence through group work.
- Youth Entertainment Club
Policy Research (IPPR) shows that the lack of ‘somewhere to go in the evening’ is a regular grievance amongst teenagers.
- Area Panel Awards
The Burngreave Area Panel Awards on Friday 23rd January was an uplifting occasion, with many local dignitaries attending, including our own Jackie Drayton and Steve Jones.
- Help needed at Firs Hill TARA
Firshill Tenants and Residents Association needs new members to take on committee roles. A number of long standing members have recently retired, but the committee is still 6 members strong.
- Tom Gould
We are very sorry to announce that Tom Gould, 90, who featured last issue, died in early January 2009.
- Diane Haimeed receives Night of Honour Award
Diane Haimeed has been a youth worker in Burngreave and Fir Vale for over 6 years, working with Sheffield Futures and the Yemeni Community Association's Study Support Project. In November she received the City's recognition for her hard work, in the Sheffield Night of Honours Awards. From a long list of Sheffield's workers and volunteers, Diane was chosen for the Investors in Children Award.
- Right Futures fundraise for Palestine
Nine young people from the Yemeni Community, aged between 17 and 19, have come together to form a group called Right Futures, to organise activities and events for the community.
- Martin Luther King Day
On 19th January, the eve of Barack Obama's inauguration as the first black President, young and old people gathered at the Welcome Centre for the 5th annual celebration in rememberance of Dr Martin Luther King Jr.
- Teaching Henna
Whiteway's school started an on going Henna course in November for local parents and children.
- University project inspires local youngsters
A packed event at the Vestry Hall on 21st January celebrated the achievement of Burngreave young people in a media project organised by the University of Sheffield, Burngreave Study Support Consortium and Burngreave New Deal.
- Mosaics brighten Carwood Green
Over the last few months, Green City Action's ‘Deliver it Green’ project has been working to improve the green environment around the Carwood estate.
- Festive Party
Festive cheer abounded at the Vestry Hall on December 20th where the annual Festive Party was held. Children from all over the Burngreave community enjoyed an afternoon of winter fun.
- Yoga for Byron Wood
In December children at Byron Wood learned the calming effects of yoga. With the Yoga4Schools Programme students, including those from the celebrated Fresh Start and Nurture units, practised calming exercises and breathing techniques.
- Playground party
On 24th December 100 children filled the Adventure Playground for their annual Christmas party. But if it wasn't for the help of the community it never would have happened.
- EID party
On Saturday 13th December, over 300 women and children attended an Eid party organised by the Yemeni Community Association Sheffield.
- New Deal money
Last Issue we reported on New Deals' plans to make cuts to future and existing projects. January was full of rumours about plans for more cuts from April.
- Cemetery Petition
Following the petition to the Council in November about the state of Burngreave Cemetery, local resident John Duignan is disappointed with the response.
- Carwood General Meeting
Meeting at Carwood – Thursday 5th February
- Neighbourhood Action Group
The Neighbourhood Action Group, or NAG for short, is a monthly meeting that aims to tackle local community safety issues in Burngreave and Fir Vale.
- Improving the Air
Burngreave Community Forestry and Fir Vale School are designing a plan to plant six trees on Rushby Street near the roundabout sponsored by building firm Wates. The community forester is consulting with residents and community groups to assess opinions on the proposal.
- Planting Margate
On the frosty December morning, pupils from the Riverside Centre planted seven trees on the Margate Estate with staff from Sheffield Homes and Burngreave Community Forestry.
- Green City Action News
Latest news from Green City Action including:
Allotments improved
Abbeyfield Park
- A New Deal for Burngreave
News from Burngreave New Deal for Communities including:
Deliver It Green
Cainan Blake
Burngreave Health Matters
Dorrett Buckley-Greaves M.B.E.
- Burngreave Area Panel
Latest news from the Area Co-ordinator for the Burngreave Area Panel, including:
Ten years of the Area Panel
Upcoming Area Panel meetings
Councillors' Surgery Dates
- More at the Library
Burngreave Library is busy on the Wednesday afternoon when I visit to speak to Janet Ring, the librarian. People are using the computers, children are reading and there are lots of enquiries at the desk.
- Washing Days at Sutherland Road Baths
For many of us, a washing machine and a bath are essential piece of household equipment, used routinely throughout the week and taken for granted. However, a conversation with Joyce Rason and Joyce Wilson from Firshill Local History Group reminded me that washing our clothes and bodies was a completely different experience 60 or 70 years ago and one that often took place outside the home.
- BCAF Annual General Meeting 2009
After the success of the BCAF Quarterly Forum Meetings held over the past year, we want to celebrate the strength and variety of community groups in Burngreave at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) by inviting representatives from community organisations across the area to attend and publicise their work.
- Job: Full-time Qualified Early Years Practitioner
BWRC Watoto Pre-school, established for 11 years, are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic and dynamic Early Years Practitioner to take up this exciting post in our busy nursery.
37.5 hours per week
Salary: £11,174
Closing date: Thurs 12th February 2009, 5pm.
- Job: Teaching Assistant for Bilingual Learners (Somali)
King Edward VII School is a successful Secondary School and Language College with an excellent reputation. We seek to appoint a Teaching Assistant to work with our students of Somali origin. The successful applicant will teach the Somali language to accreditation level.
2 hours per week initially, term time only (£20 per hour)
Closing Date: 11th February 2009
- Abbeyfield Festival 2009
With the end of funding for festivals in Burngreave, the area’s main festival at Abbeyfield needs the support of residents and people working locally to make it happen this year.
- Fishing Club for Burngreave
Anyone interested in starting or joining a fishing club?
- The NHS recruits more than Doctors and Nurses
Do you want to know more about the types of jobs available?
- Emergency and Support
Ever thought of working for South Yorkshire Police?
The content on this page was added to the website by
Jamie Marriott
2009-01-28 14:31:23.
The content of the page was last modified by
Jamie Marriott
2012-02-23 15:12:53.
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Burngreave Messenger Ltd. Abbeyfield Park House, Abbeyfield Road, Sheffield S4 7AT.
Telephone: 0114 242 0564. Email: mail@burngreavemessenger.org
Company Limited by Guarantee: 04642734
Registered Charity: 1130836
The Burngreave Messenger is a community newspaper with editorial independence, funded by the Big Lottery, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, local residents and our advertisers.