SOVA Sheffield Youth Justice Projects

Working in partnership with Sheffield Youth Offending Service (YOS), we are recruiting volunteer Appropriate Adults and Mentors.

Appropriate Adults attend Custody Suites in Sheffield police stations to ensure the rights of vulnerable suspects are upheld. Minimum weekly commitment needed is six hours.

Mentors are required to offer one to one support and guidance to young people referred by YOS staff. Minimum weekly commitment needed is three hours.

Full, accredited, training is given and expenses reimbursed. We particularly seek to recruit male volunteers and people of Black and Minority Ethnic groups who are under-represented in our current ‘pool’ of volunteers.

For more information and/or an application pack please contact Darren Smith on: (0114) 228 8545

All volunteers are required to undergo an enhanced criminal record check. A criminal record does not necessarily preclude involvement.

SOVA 7 St Peter’s Close, Sheffield S1 2EJ

Company limited by guarantee: Company number 3645143. Charity number 1073877.

This document was last modified on 2009-11-30 11:00:49.