Grimesthorpe approved

Drawings of houses planned for Grimesthorpe Road

The controversial Redwall development gained full planning permission to build 44 new houses at Grimesthorpe Road in November.

The application for the homes, which are up to 5 storeys high, was submitted over a year ago, alongside an application for 124 flats. The Council received 57 letters of objection, and a 28-signature petition from local residents, who said there were too many dwellings for the site and the buildings would be too tall, destroying wildlife and habitat.

Councillors approved the application, but publicly expressed anger that the developer had ‘side-stepped’ the rules on affordable housing. Any development of over 25 houses must have a percentage of affordable homes but the application was split in two, one of 20 houses and one of 24. The Messenger asked planning officers how this could have happened, they said:

“It’s a result of the ruling from the Planning Inspectorate, who over-turned the Council’s previous decision to reject outline planning for this development. He stated that the applications should be treated separately as they were submitted separately.”

Redwall’s application for 124 flats has now changed to an 80 bedroomed nursing home and 93 flats. This has yet to be considered by the Planning Board and a decision is expected in the new year.

Forty-four houses planned along Grimesthorpe Road

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The content on this page was added to the website by Ivor Wallace on 2009-11-25 18:07:36.
The content of the page was last modified by Jamie Marriott on 2009-11-30 14:13:25.

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