Eid celebration

Eid Party
Eid Party

Story: Diane Haimeed

On Saturday September 26th, 300 women and children attended an Eid party organised by the Yemeni Community Association.

Many women from all over Sheffield attended, they were happy that the party was organised for women only and they could bring their children with them. It was good to see the young children running around, having fun. A wide variety of music was played, prizes were handed out from a raffle and everyone enjoyed a lovely meal.

We would like to thank all the volunteers who helped to organise and make this day a huge success. Munzilla Abdulla, a local pensioner, said

“I felt that the Eid party was extremely entertaining. It allowed us women to get together and celebrate Eid with family and friends at the same time.”

This document was last modified on 2009-11-29 21:04:58.