Hospital parking problems persist

Parking continues to be a daily nightmare for residents near the Northern General. The Council put in place an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order in March 2009, which means the Council can try parking restrictions to see how well they work.

The Traffic Regulation department told the Messenger they have received a lot of feedback so far. In response to what residents have said, during July further lines will be put down to protect access to drives and to prevent parking . The work will affect the following streets: Norwood Road, Drive and Place, Crabtree Road, Close, Crescent, Lane and Place, Goddard Hall Road, Hampton Road, Cannon Hall Road, Fir Vale Road, Coningsby Road, Hampton Road, Blyde Road, Herries Road, Longley Hall Road, Norwood Grange Drive and Fairbank Road.

The Council is again asking for feedback on what effect the new restrictions have. If you have comments, contact Brian Hey at Traffic Regulations on 273 6086,

However, residents remain frustrated at the lack of progress from the Northern General towards building their multistorey car park. Despite receiving conditional planning permission in October 2008, the hospital have yet to finalise legal documents that are conditional to full planning permission.

The legal agreement will tie the hospital to responsibilities around managing any parking issues off site.

This document was last modified on 2009-07-19 19:44:48.