ESOL presentation

ESOL presentation
ESOL presentation

Story: Farzana & Djamila | Photos: Farzana Khan

On 15th June ESOL learners from Whiteways School received certificates for completing entry level one, two and three in English.

Thirty learners were awarded certificates by Mary Blacka from the Council's Life Long Learning and Skills. Everyone celebrated success by sharing food, which the learners had made. Usha Blackham, family learning development worker, organises family learning at Whiteways, she told us how the programme had developed:

“We started off with three or four people doing ESOL, now we have around 36 learners, working in mixed groups. It’s good to see people working together and achieving well.”

Students thanked their tutor Margaret Gibson for all her support and presented her with flowers. All the students are visiting Chatsworth House as a reward for their achievements.

Students Aparna and Nareen said,

“It’s thanks to Margaret our teacher that we have reached this level and succeeded in our exams. She always works hard and is very helpful and supportive. Working in a mixed class was difficult at first but now we work as a group and help each other.”

To find out more about family learning at Whiteways contact Usha Blackham on 242 3169.

This document was last modified on 2009-07-20 15:45:56.