Burngreave Cemetery public meeting

Cemetery overgrown
Cemetery overgrown

Story: Lisa Swift

Following months of campaigning by local resident, John Duignan, on the maintenance of Burngreave Cemetery, Bereavement Services have agreed to hold a public meeting.

In November 2008, John took a petition to Full Council with the names of unhappy grave owners, who were distressed about the poor state of the cemetery. John asked the Council to hold a public meeting to address the issue. Cllr Ibrar Hussain who is supporting the campaign, said

“The Lib Dem Council have really dragged their heels on this issue and it’s really unfair to the people who live in Burngreave, and also the visitors to this cemetery who have to see all this mess when paying their respects to the people they miss.”

Residents and grave owners will now have the chance to express their concerns and hear about the plans Bereavement Services has to tackle the problem. The meeting will be on Monday 10th August, 6pm in the Cemetery Chapel.

Bereavement Services meeting
6:00pm to 8:00pm Monday 10 August 2009
This document was last modified on 2009-07-20 15:51:39.