Messenger volunteer - Brent Moya

I began writing for the Burngreave Messenger on a voluntary basis over 3 years ago and have covered a wide range of stories.

I decided against studying Journalism at University but my voluntary work with the Messenger has given me more opportunities than I could have imagined. I have covered everything from interviewing sportsmen to giving people a voice during hard times.

My first story was at Keith Hobson’s Family Butchers on Spital Hill and I have since gone on to meet interesting people such as Joe Scarborough, Billy Sharp and Brendan Ingle.

Working with people in and around Burngreave has been a real eye opener as you come to realise how much talent there is in the area. On a personal level, it’s given me a lot of satisfaction knowing that I have helped people when they needed it most.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the Messenger for giving me the opportunity to write for them. I have thoroughly enjoyed myself.

To ask about volunteering at the Messenger, ring 242 0564.

This document was last modified on 2009-03-26 23:09:39.