Zanumb Bibi

Streetworx, Activity Sheffield Apprentice

I’ve volunteered with Streetworx for over 2 years, and I work as an apprentice with Activity Sheffield, I’m losing my job in March.

Streetworx is the best thing that happened to Burngreave; they should not take this service away because it’s helped young people through situations and made a big difference to lives. Everyone is always popping in to see what’s happening and what we can do for them. I strongly believe they should not shut Streetworx; it will be the biggest mistake!

It’s unfair New Deal has overspent and now we all have to suffer. If this does close down there will be a lot of unhappy young people, we are voicing our concerns, now it’s time to listen!

This document was last modified on 2009-03-29 19:10:57.