Gaza fundraiser

At the book stall
At the book stall
Right Futures and friends
Right Futures and friends

Story: Taibah Khan

A vibrant and colourful fundraiser for Gaza was organised by Right Futures, a group of nine young people from the local area supported by the Modern Apprenticeship Scheme, who created an event to help raise money for those in need in Gaza.

The event consisted of bring and buy stalls that had a variety of clothes, books and shoes on offer. These were run by the girls from the group, Diane Haimeed said that, "All the community have shown their support for the cause by donating goods to be sold."

I spoke to Leila Shaibi and Laila Rehman, managers of Right Futures, who told me a little about their aims for the event: "We wanted to do something for the people of Gaza to show our support."

Nooria Al-Afif and Nawal Yosif also part of the group ran the clothes stalls and commended the "Community's tremendous effort".

There was also a hair and beauty area at the fundraiser where lots of women and young girls took part in hair styling, massages, face painting and make-up!

Henna patterns in both Asian and Arab styles were also being done. These were really popular with everyone as the patterns were amazing.

All in all the event proved a huge success everyone who came had fun and £1300 was raised for the people of Gaza. Right Futures did a great job!

The money will go to the Palestinian Solidarity Group who will ensure that it is used to provide medical aid for the people.

This document was last modified on 2009-03-27 22:03:13.