Firshill walking wonderland

Walking wonderland pictures
Walking wonderland pictures
Firshill Wonderland pictures
Firshill Wonderland pictures

Charley Fitton & Nicolle Smith

Firshill Tenants and Residents Association and St Catherine's School are working with students from Sheffield University to brighten up the walk to school.

St Catherine’s School took part in a walking wonderland competition. Every child in school had the chance to make a poster about what they would like to see on the walking bus route from the Sheffield United Academy to St Catherine's.

Walking Wonderland pictures
Walking Wonderland pictures
Walking Wonderland drawing
Walking Wonderland drawing

Both 1st and 2nd place each won 2 tickets to a Sheffield United football match and 3rd place won a £10 book token at Waterstone's.

The winners were:

This document was last modified on 2009-03-29 20:29:19.