New Deal Overspent

Dear Messenger,

John Vincent (Star 2nd March 2009) is right to want answers. He and many good people, all volunteers, only worked with the information they were given by paid staff and those working closely with the Chief Executive. It’s time BNDfC started coming up with some answers as to why this money has been overspent. Maybe the ex-Chief Executive should be brought back to answer these questions – he did very nicely out of it so he’s a right to give some answers!

I suppose now we’ll be getting the usual rubbish we’ve come to expect from BNDfC over the past few years. These highly paid staff should be held accountable for these decisions, along with the Sheffield City Council who allowed this to go on for so long, but I’m sure, as usual, they will distance themselves from it and take no responsibility whatsoever. BNDfC finished many good projects with their heavy handed tactics, accusing them of mismanagement, they have been a law unto themselves. BNDfC were good at one thing – telling others how good they were!

Well it’s about time Burngreave heard the truth, although I’m not holding my breath. Many good people have been damaged by this and it will take Burngreave a lot of years to recover. We’re left with buildings, i.e. the white elephant Sorby House, which were bought with little or no community consultation, which no one wanted. Once again expectations were raised only to be let down by these people. Burngreave is certainly the poorer for it!

Let’s have some truthful answers for a change!

Regards, Burngreave Resident

Name supplied

This document was last modified on 2009-03-27 18:18:42.