Northern General Scrutiny

On Tuesday 4th November 2008, the Council’s Scrutiny Board will be considering the latest position about travel, traffic and parking generated by the Northern General Hospital, and its impact on local communities in Fir Vale.

Two years ago, Norwood Road was blocked by buses for over two hours. The Area Panel decided to ask the Scrutiny Board to get to the bottom of why this was happening, and what could be done to improve matters. Since then, the hospital has made some progress and are shortly to have their planning application considered for a multi-storey car park. The Area Panel has canvassed local residents in the streets most affected as to what they would support.

All of this will be discussed in public at the Scrutiny meeting – from 2pm on 4th November in a Town Hall committee room.

We look forward to seeing you at the meetings and hearing your views and questions on these and any aspect of Council services in the Burngreave area.

Northern General scrutiny meeting
2:00pm to 4:00pm Tuesday 4 November 2008
This document was last modified on 2008-09-26 18:43:53.
All content in this section is by Councillor Jackie Drayton on behalf of the Burngreave Area Panel.