May 2008

"No Deportations to War Zones" public meeting

South Yorkshire Migrant & Asylum Action Group is hosting a public meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday 3rd June at SADACCA with a panel of speakers.

Abbeyfield Park Environment Day

Event on Sunday 1st June 2008 organised by Green City Action.

Job: Sessional Worker - SAGE Greenfingers

SAGE Greenfingers require a Sessional Worker to be jointly responsible for running a weekly gardening group on Grimesthorpe allotments, Burngreave, for adults experiencing mental health difficulties.

  • 6 hrs per week

  • £70 per week

  • Closing date: Friday 6th June (12 noon)

Sheffield Mental Health Jobs

Closing date: 13 June 2008

Sheffield Mental Health Citizens Advice Bureau and Advocacy Service are looking for part time and full time workers.

  • Part-time (17.5 hrs) Mental Health Specialist Advice Worker. Salary: SO1 pro rata £11,874 – £12,659 (actual)

  • Full-time (35 hrs) Mental Health Advocacy Worker. Salary: Scale 6 £21,412 – £22,845

  • Part-time (21 hrs) Advocacy Service Deputy Manager. Salary: SO1 pro rata £14,249 – £15,191 (actual)

Interpreting Job Opportunities

A drop in session on 19th May for anyone wanting to find out about job opportunities in Interpreting.

Job: Part-time Youth Worker

Ellesmere Youth Project are looking for a part-time Youth Worker.

  • 6 hours per week

  • £7.50 per hour

  • Closing date: Friday 30th May 2008

Literacy for Employment

A weekly course aiming to improve students' spelling, grammar, reading and writing abilities and help them to gain qualifications and become ready for work.

Adult Learners Week, May 2008

A week long programme of activities and educational sessions hosted by local schools.

Public meeting on Academies

Sheffield North Anti-Academies Alliance are organising a public meeting at the Vestry Hall on Thursday 22nd April 2008, with Paul Holmes MP as the main speaker.

Burngreave Learning Festival

Information about the ‘Burngreave Celebrates Learning Festival’ in May 2008.

Brahma Kumaris Courses

Meditation and Self Esteem Courses with the Brahma Kumaris.

Election Results - May 2008

Local Election results for the Burngreave ward, May 2008.

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The content on this page was added to the website by Jamie Marriott on 2008-05-02 17:04:47.
The content of the page was last modified by Jamie Marriott on 2008-05-02 17:04:52.

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