Story: Joe McArdle and Matt Cooling
The Pitsmoor Zone

The Pitsmoor Zone is a website originally set up about ten years ago by Joe McArdle, Matt Cooling and Dave Best, locally based computer graphics freaks wishing to display their creations for the world to admire. Over the years we expanded the site to include work done by other Pitsmoor based artists in areas such as music, writing, fine art and anything else deemed arty enough to put up on the site. We also helped to set up and assist local computer based projects, such as the one in the now extinct Highway Pub on Fox Street. We also took our graphics skills into local schools during half-term to work with teachers and pupils.
The latest edition of the Pitsmoor Zone, completed in February 2008 is a slimmed down version of previous incarnations. We’ve decided to keep it to just displaying locally produced creative work, and are still seeking out new work to display on the site. We are currently working on ways to include homemade animations and music (MP3s) on the site. We are also looking to set up a notice board page for people themselves to promote and advertise local events, rather than contacting us with the information.
We’ve always been aware about the fascination and interest in creating Computer Generated Imagery (CGI). Future events on the site will hopefully include, ‘Digital Day’, where we hit the neighbourhood with a laptop and digital cameras, and hopefully persuade people to have a go at creating a CGI, which we will then put up on the site. We’ve also been approached by local arty folk to train up on computer graphics, and we also plan to create video tutorials for people to download from the site.
Anyone interested in our activities should contact us through the website:
or email:
The content on this page was added to the website by
Rohan Francis
2008-03-21 22:55:13.
The content of the page was last modified by
Rohan Francis
2008-03-21 23:47:58.
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