Elders Project

The Elders project’s aim is to attract elderly members (especially those who are socially excluded, isolated and vulnerable) of the Burngreave and Firvale area to take part in activities.

A wide range of services are delivered under this project which include the Lunch Club where elderly people can come and meet like wise people and socialise, keep fit sessions allowing much needed exercise, day trips and health walks, seminars and events conducted by local and national organisations.

Members are also encouraged to become part of a steering group which is user led and determines what type of activities and services should be delivered.

Can you help support the elders project by volunteering or are you elderly suffering from isolation or would you like to take part in consultations to develop services?

If so then please contact Mr Alam Khan to complete member registrations on (0114) 261 9130 or at:

Pakistan Advice and Community Association, 58 Owler Lane, Firvale, Sheffield, S4 8GA.

This document was last modified on 2008-05-30 17:05:41.