Parkwood success

Parkwood’s recent OFSTED report is full of praise: a letter to the students from the lead inspector says that their positive attitude and enthusiastic learning go to make it a good school. She also refers to the excellent leadership at the school, parental involvement and support for those students who find school difficult.

The inspectors found nothing unsatisfactory and described several aspects of the school as outstanding. The leadership of the school and effectiveness of Governors is underpinned by Mr Mallaband’s “exceptional team of energetic leaders”, discrimination is tackled and partnership working outstanding.

Parkwood is third out of Sheffield’s 27 schools in a Government league table of pupil progress. As to actual GCSE successes, Mr Mallaband is rightly very proud of the fact that 99% of students left with at least some GCSE qualification. Mr Mallaband said, “Our number one priority for next year is to be outstanding.”

This document was last modified on 2008-02-03 18:33:48.